Another superhero story

What are your thoughts when you think about superheroes stories? Personally, I’m thinking about all the fights between superheroes and their villains. Also, about all the hard paths that they need to go through until they start to become free and unstoppable. Nevertheless, I’m thinking about the connection between those stories and our own path. About all the times when you want to run away from your own villains from your head, but at some point, you have no choice than to confront them. As in movies or books, the path is always difficult with a lot of challenges and sometimes you have the feeling that you will not ever gonna make it. Have you ever felt like that? For sure I have.

For many years, I ran, and ran away from possible scenarios or people that I thought it would be dangerous for me. Thought it would be dangerous because of my personal past and beliefs according to it. And always I was expecting that something better should appear. In other words, I was avoiding to confront my biggest „enemies” and always hoping that they will not come after me, hoping that something brighter would come up. And similar with superheroes, I was at a different psychological level during the years ( maybe until I was ready to fight with it). So many emotions, fears, disappointments, anger, agony I had during the years which sometimes led me to loose my hope as well. Yes, sometimes I felt hopeless, sometimes so strong and most of the times I had a lot of questions where all of this will got me going? What I will learn form all of this? But as much as I was trying to reject and/or avoid what I had in the past, the more my „brain enemies” were following me. And then, life circumstances forced me to face most of my personal monsters. I had no choice than to see why are there, to feel some of those emotions, to see them, be kind with them and also to fight with some of them by creating limits, boundaries and tell every time what are my needs. And my biggest fight was to learn to listen, see, be more emphatic, intuitive, do small compromises and understand that people are not reacting against me, but because of their personal past. So I had to be aware of all my resources, skills as a woman in order to learn my victimised enemy that she can fight for herself, she can be strong, free, but also can do comprises for others, can be kind with men, understanding, emphatic.

If I can put this into a superheroes story it should sound like this: She killed the personal beliefs’s of her victimised enemy by teaching and showing her the strongest assets in order to let herself to be loved.

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